Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The battle of the mind

So there are days in your life that you just miss people and with Turky Day and the much hated X mass coming up I am missing a bunch of people like.... My family... Mom Dad Bekah.... Baby, Ej and JD... and of course Joey!
There there are the other people that i miss all the "friends of the past" (cough cough my Ex's) and a buch of people a long those lines... I want to see them no doubt, but I know that it would not be good for me like at all to do so, But all will be worked through in time.

I must confess that I know where this battle is rooted, it all goes back to me not being faithfull in my prayer time and reading of the Bib. I have seen over the past... three days that my mind has slowly gone down hill again after so long of not digging into Gods word, that my thought pattern is no longer the same no longer is my mind coverd with the word of God or prayer, it is now filled with thoughts of people places and thing that i dont need to be thinking about.... not saying that they were not there in the first place but now they are no longer just fleeding thoughts there is strength and emo behind them... almost like i am just giving power to those thoughts...

MY PHONE IS DEAD!!!! well not dead dead but it only works for about ten min ish.... if i am lucky so yes my life is now like so quiet i dont have my phone going off at like 1 AM or like any time for that matter... it kinda sucks when you are drivng and you dont have it but it is cool when you are through your day and there are no sudden distractions, and also kills a lot of temptaion that i could have.... so all together right now not such a bad thing..

HOME!!!... I am looking at being back in the vally ish 16-26 of Dec at this point, and I am going to have to play a lot of duck and Doge I know there are some people that i need to talk to but there are others that I know I dont need to be going to see, but I am so happy I will get to see baby and Sis and all my family and hope to see the halls... I dont know why but yes, and I get to go to my home church and not stuck here at college....

OH some punk Got into my car and Jacked my CD player.... not that it was worth like all the much but it just sucks because I am going to have to drive down to WACO this week with like no music..... What am i going to do on a 45 min drive with like no music.....

Love you Guys

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