Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Little Wonders

My idea for todays blog came from two things, Rob Thomas song Little Wonders, and the Battle that i have been fighting in the last cupple days and will continue to fight hard core for a while. Why is change such a hard thing, but yet it an amazing thing all at the same time. I mean I am still Josiah (Joe JoJo W/E) but I mean I am the same person who has the correct drive, my drive now is to please God and live a holy and pure life, Vs before when My only goal was to do what ever came to mind at the time..... So now my car is turned around I am going the right way but the first few miles are always the hardest they are always filled with the most bumps and the most temptaions. In these next few weeks there will be a ton of them I will tried and tested. I will have to keep in check every thought every action and make sure that what i am doing is
A. Pure
B. Causing me to think inpure thoughts
C.Wont lead to inpure Actions
so with the poeple around me and the prayers of my family and help from my shrink and my accountablity people, I will make it through this rough time and I will come out the end much stronger and when you guys see me I hope that you will be able to see the change in me, not just in the fact that i have lost some pounds but also in how i act and how i have growen and will continue to grow.
I love you and Thank you for your prayers and support

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Depending, Seeking, Fighting

As battles keep going you start getting bogged down as you get attacked more and more.
"once you get rid of one spirt you get attacked with seven more that come back at you again."
So as battles rage and your fighting your self every day every moment and keeping every thought in check, crying out to God, praying that he will continue to give you what you need to fight the temptation. He never sends any thing that you cant handle (with his help of course). As long as you depend on God he will help you through, and you will come out the other end of each battle a stronger person in Christ.

The thing that makes a true diff. is the people that you have around you, friends that you know will be there if you need them, they are people you can go to when you are under attack. I thank God for those poeple,
Thanks Readers, (aka Family and friends) for those last set of comments I needed them they are a real uplifter they made me cry... No joke I teared up and made me think of how many amazing people I have that care for me and are praying for me!

I love ya'll So so so much!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

choices Actions and life!

People Deal with a lot of things in there life they all have diffrent addctions, issues and stuff they deal with, Some people it is drinking some it is sex and so on and so on. Life throws us choices, to go down one path or the other, so with the choices that we are given, over time those choices become a way of life... even thoe Tons and tons of bad choices are made every day, it is never to late to make a good choice because that one good choice can turn into more good choices and could lead to a major change in your life, that even thoe you have screwed up tons and tons of times you can get over it learn from it and move on in life. We are human we make mistakes: the other thing about being human is we can heal and we can learn from them we can take them and make them into somthing that could help our selfs and other people who are dealing with the same thing. So my holler out is to all of those people who are going through crap in there life... try changeing somthing, make little tweaks that are for the better like going for a run or going to do somthing for somone els... it may even be doing somthing for your self for a change. So stay strong it wont be easy (change for the better is never easy) and stick to it, you will feel better about your life and your self!

Love you!