Thursday, November 15, 2007

Read this!!

"Someone has said very aptly: Resist the beginnings; remedies come too late, when by long delay the evil has gained strength. First, a mere thought comes to mind, then strong imagination, followed by pleasure, evil delight, and consent. Thus, because he is not resisted in the beginning, Satan gains full entry. And the longer a man delays in resisting, so much the weaker does he become each day, while the strength of the enemy grows against him."

Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The battle of the mind

So there are days in your life that you just miss people and with Turky Day and the much hated X mass coming up I am missing a bunch of people like.... My family... Mom Dad Bekah.... Baby, Ej and JD... and of course Joey!
There there are the other people that i miss all the "friends of the past" (cough cough my Ex's) and a buch of people a long those lines... I want to see them no doubt, but I know that it would not be good for me like at all to do so, But all will be worked through in time.

I must confess that I know where this battle is rooted, it all goes back to me not being faithfull in my prayer time and reading of the Bib. I have seen over the past... three days that my mind has slowly gone down hill again after so long of not digging into Gods word, that my thought pattern is no longer the same no longer is my mind coverd with the word of God or prayer, it is now filled with thoughts of people places and thing that i dont need to be thinking about.... not saying that they were not there in the first place but now they are no longer just fleeding thoughts there is strength and emo behind them... almost like i am just giving power to those thoughts...

MY PHONE IS DEAD!!!! well not dead dead but it only works for about ten min ish.... if i am lucky so yes my life is now like so quiet i dont have my phone going off at like 1 AM or like any time for that matter... it kinda sucks when you are drivng and you dont have it but it is cool when you are through your day and there are no sudden distractions, and also kills a lot of temptaion that i could have.... so all together right now not such a bad thing..

HOME!!!... I am looking at being back in the vally ish 16-26 of Dec at this point, and I am going to have to play a lot of duck and Doge I know there are some people that i need to talk to but there are others that I know I dont need to be going to see, but I am so happy I will get to see baby and Sis and all my family and hope to see the halls... I dont know why but yes, and I get to go to my home church and not stuck here at college....

OH some punk Got into my car and Jacked my CD player.... not that it was worth like all the much but it just sucks because I am going to have to drive down to WACO this week with like no music..... What am i going to do on a 45 min drive with like no music.....

Love you Guys

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pain, Understand, Depression

Life.... it is funny...." If life is like a highway I am like Drunk at the Wheel"... Any way so I am now a black haired little Emo Boy.... Yeah!!
So I was in my Old Testment Class on tuesday and we were doing somthing that required us to move to another seat in the room and so I did... (I dont like change) any way so I was asked by three people if I just got into that class because they have never seen me in class before hahah... I am doing good if I can be in a class for 3/4's of a sesmester and the only person that knows that i am in that class is the proff and the chick that sits in front of me.....
It is thurs night that means there are tons of little kids running around here beacuse it is campus days and all of the prospective students are comming to get a taste of SAGU. hahah they are playing into there communist game.....

Things are getting harder I am now at a point where my attractions are "Correct" but I still struggle with my old one so now i am in a postion where i dont want to be...

I bought Tickets to go and see this concert that I wanted to see so so so bad but the person that I wanted to go with that would help me stay accountable there cancled on me so now the concert starts in like a half hour and I am not there..... I am Ticked hard core Boys Suck!!!!

I am ready for a break I am ready to sleep my day away and Just not wake up for like 12 hours...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Working growing Watching

So Today I was fronted by a friend of mine who is going to do some work at a church this weekend. He needed somone to go with him and help him "work the alter"(aka when he gives a alter call I will be one of those guys running around the front praying for people) It is at a church that he is planing on working with next semester, and he asked me to go with.
I made sure that he was cool with chosing me (him knowing about my summer) and he said he was cool because he had thought and prayed about it and I was on his list to ask any way.... I was not at the top of the list, but at least i made the list.... but yes I would hate to get all pumped up but I am excited that God is opening doors for me to do these type of things and God is using me still even thoe I have been having a rough time....
So yes I am excited to see what god does and I am ready to be used by him in what ever way he feels best...

Shoutout- If you are going through a trial dont think that God cant use you because of the trial, steping up and doing work that God has for you is one of the best things you can do!
God can use every one as long as there willing!!

In love in Chirst

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Little Wonders

My idea for todays blog came from two things, Rob Thomas song Little Wonders, and the Battle that i have been fighting in the last cupple days and will continue to fight hard core for a while. Why is change such a hard thing, but yet it an amazing thing all at the same time. I mean I am still Josiah (Joe JoJo W/E) but I mean I am the same person who has the correct drive, my drive now is to please God and live a holy and pure life, Vs before when My only goal was to do what ever came to mind at the time..... So now my car is turned around I am going the right way but the first few miles are always the hardest they are always filled with the most bumps and the most temptaions. In these next few weeks there will be a ton of them I will tried and tested. I will have to keep in check every thought every action and make sure that what i am doing is
A. Pure
B. Causing me to think inpure thoughts
C.Wont lead to inpure Actions
so with the poeple around me and the prayers of my family and help from my shrink and my accountablity people, I will make it through this rough time and I will come out the end much stronger and when you guys see me I hope that you will be able to see the change in me, not just in the fact that i have lost some pounds but also in how i act and how i have growen and will continue to grow.
I love you and Thank you for your prayers and support

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Depending, Seeking, Fighting

As battles keep going you start getting bogged down as you get attacked more and more.
"once you get rid of one spirt you get attacked with seven more that come back at you again."
So as battles rage and your fighting your self every day every moment and keeping every thought in check, crying out to God, praying that he will continue to give you what you need to fight the temptation. He never sends any thing that you cant handle (with his help of course). As long as you depend on God he will help you through, and you will come out the other end of each battle a stronger person in Christ.

The thing that makes a true diff. is the people that you have around you, friends that you know will be there if you need them, they are people you can go to when you are under attack. I thank God for those poeple,
Thanks Readers, (aka Family and friends) for those last set of comments I needed them they are a real uplifter they made me cry... No joke I teared up and made me think of how many amazing people I have that care for me and are praying for me!

I love ya'll So so so much!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

choices Actions and life!

People Deal with a lot of things in there life they all have diffrent addctions, issues and stuff they deal with, Some people it is drinking some it is sex and so on and so on. Life throws us choices, to go down one path or the other, so with the choices that we are given, over time those choices become a way of life... even thoe Tons and tons of bad choices are made every day, it is never to late to make a good choice because that one good choice can turn into more good choices and could lead to a major change in your life, that even thoe you have screwed up tons and tons of times you can get over it learn from it and move on in life. We are human we make mistakes: the other thing about being human is we can heal and we can learn from them we can take them and make them into somthing that could help our selfs and other people who are dealing with the same thing. So my holler out is to all of those people who are going through crap in there life... try changeing somthing, make little tweaks that are for the better like going for a run or going to do somthing for somone els... it may even be doing somthing for your self for a change. So stay strong it wont be easy (change for the better is never easy) and stick to it, you will feel better about your life and your self!

Love you!