Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Political Ramblings of a undecided Fool!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

The subject on the chopping block today has been something that I have been very back and forth on for a long time.
I am looking at this specific subject from the stand point of the american Government not any thing spiritual, Godly or Biblical.

The Subject that i am blogging about today will be Gay Marriage... (*Double Gasp *)

When you look at it from the aspect of human rights, there should be no gay Marriage debate. The D.O.I. says that all men are created equal... not just men who like women. The fact that we are denying the gay community the right to get married is not constitutional. The issue is that two people of the same gender getting married does not fit our normal status quo, so it is something that is ignorantly feared and rejected.

The gay rights movement has become this machine that has taken over many parts of the country and some aspects of our government. Has any one ever stopped to think, had we given rights to the gay community from the start would things have been different. That is war like mentality that had developed between the Gay community and the "Christian" community is just a byproduct. Our inability to give what (by right of our constitution) belongs to this community, has created the war like attitude that is so obvious today.

Just The political thoughts of Little old Me
love Always

Monday, February 15, 2010

In observance of Lent!

I am choosing this year to observe the tradition of Lent. This tradition is usually a catholic tradition but other people from other faiths do chose to honor this time. The tradition is to deny you one earthly pleasure for 46 days leading up to the Easter session. Some would chose to not eat some type of food, or stop smoking or many other things. The more I looked into the history of this time, it just seemed more to me like a normal prolonged fast that was sanctioned by the catholic church in order to honor the Easter session.

I looked at my life and asked God and myself what could I give up for 40 days that would encourage me to seek after God? After prayer and thought I drew the conclusion that Music was something that I could give up…. When this first came to mind I was shocked with myself, I asked how could this work? I mapped out how it would work out and the following are the rules I will be following for 46 days starting Wed – Feb- 16 -2010.

  • This fast only deals with music that I would have control over.
  • Chapel Worship Does not apply in this fast.
  • If someone else that I am with starts music that will not apply
  • I can not request that someone else start music…

My friends will be aware of my fast

  • I will take the music off my IPod and use it for internet and School related purposes only
  • My ITunes will stay closed on my laptop.
Those are my goals that I hold for the earthly part of my fast…

The spiritual aspect of it all, I hope that obviously this will bring me closer to God. Also during the fast I pray that there would be new revelations of his Love and his care for me during this time. Also beyond my insecurities I hope and pray that God will use me during this time to show the love that I have found to other people…

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Growing in The Crap of life!

The last time that I posted on this site was 2007... unless you count my blank post that I got one comment on... But any way reading over my blogs of yesteryear that seems so distant and so far from who I am and where I am at in my life. (despite being at the same college)

I was told by a wise person a long time ago that "A person needs change". It does not matter what kind of change it is (tho we always hope for the best). If one goes through life unchanged from year to year can you say that person is experiencing life?

As I have seen in three ish years that change is always something that will come. Despite the thought that the world revolves around me and the universe bends to my every need. I know that in reality it does not. In this aspect of reality where I don't sit on a throne above every one else, there are bumps, trials, risks, victory and epic Failures.

I have found that these things that are looked at as bad things are what brings about the most change in our life. This change is something that should be celebrated and in some aspect looked Fw to in life. It is not like we should be looking for crap to go wrong in our life on propose. Having the understanding that the situation that you are in may suck but you have the ability to learn from it and grow in it. So take advantage of every hard moment in life and ask your self "What can I take away from this?"

You are Never alone!

Love Always
Josiah Norman