As battles keep going you start getting bogged down as you get attacked more and more.
"once you get rid of one spirt you get attacked with seven more that come back at you again."
So as battles rage and your fighting your self every day every moment and keeping every thought in check, crying out to God, praying that he will continue to give you what you need to fight the temptation. He never sends any thing that you cant handle (with his help of course). As long as you depend on God he will help you through, and you will come out the other end of each battle a stronger person in Christ.
The thing that makes a true diff. is the people that you have around you, friends that you know will be there if you need them, they are people you can go to when you are under attack. I thank God for those poeple,
Thanks Readers, (aka Family and friends) for those last set of comments I needed them they are a real uplifter they made me cry... No joke I teared up and made me think of how many amazing people I have that care for me and are praying for me!
I love ya'll So so so much!